2024 Chicagoland Real Estate Industry Build-A-Kit (7/11)

Building A Brighter Future

Last Year’s Triumph: For several years now, over two dozen local companies from the real estate sector joined forces for a remarkable cause.

Together, we turned ambition into action at our unique Build-A-Kit event, crafting over 1,500 Back 2 School kits each year! These kits are filled with essential school supplies which is also hope and opportunity.

This Year’s Vision: Building on this foundation of success, 2024 beckons us to dream bigger and impact deeper. We aim to significantly expand this wave of change by inviting diverse leaders from the Chicago and Illinois real estate realm – including architects, brokers, builders, banks, developers, and more.

Our goal? To not just match, but vastly exceed the scale of last year’s event, spreading educational empowerment across more communities and touching more lives than ever before.

  • Date: July 11, 2024 
  • Location: Rauner Family YMCA – 2700 S. Western Ave., Chicago
  • Time: 4 pm – 9 pm
    • Assemble Back 2 School kits (30 essential school supplies in each kit)
    • Write “Notes of Inspiration”
    • Food and beverages provided
    • Each volunteer receives a custom event t-shirt